Your Business Starts Here!

The accountant of starters, early stage and small businesses in Hong Kong

Bamboo Offering.

We offer simple services for simple businesses at an unbeatable price. To reach this goal, we created this streamlined service capitalising on technologies such as AI to let any entrepreneur toy with their idea and propose to them the lowest rate for setup, maintenance, and accounting until they validate their business idea and can move to the next level.

Under Bamboo, we also propose a service to serve sole proprietors which are often left on their own as there are not many accountants interested in dealing with such structures.

Bamboo Offering.

We offer simple services for simple businesses at an unbeatable price. To reach this goal, we created this streamlined service capitalising on technologies such as AI to let any entrepreneur toy with their idea and propose to them the lowest rate for setup, maintenance, and accounting until they validate their business idea and can move to the next level.

Under Bamboo, we also propose a service to serve sole proprietors which are often left on their own as there are not many accountants interested in dealing with such structures.
